I've seen women
wanting to be men
I feel sadness
coursing through veins
trains, planes, and
water mains, I see
men that
want the woman's life
I feel hatred
exuding from seats of power
in the desert erg
or the river's eyeshot
I know why there is
blood-fire all on the
TV screens but I can't
how it got there
I hear the poor
longing for feelings of
lust and greed
to motivate them
I still hear the respirator
and the funny sound it made
when it was unplugged
I saw that chest rise
and fall for the last time,
those lungs that breathed life
into me
never to fill again
I feel the cold feel,
the dark feel
the sense of
majority disapproval,
disgust, and disdain
I hear the laughter
through the jeers, because
some very loyal
fans are in the crowd
I've smelt death, and
tasted cancer, I've heard
death rattles like a six inch-long
locust that could freeze your soul,
that's what a death rattle sounds like.
I've felt the iron grip
and giant thumb of
authority, and I know
how to get away by saying "NO"
I've seen many, many
grass huts
and I've heard the sound of
a Porsche
pulling into a eight-car garage.
I've always seen blistered
fingers and sagging cheeks
and tear-welled faces.
I've always heard the Jet-planes
and felt their low-bass rumblings
in my gut, but now I
see their contrails more clearly,
dropping payload-lines of
ice, water vapor,
and god-knows-what else