Thursday, April 29, 2010

If the World doesn't go to shit

And we somehow
skirt the threats
peak oil (oil depletion)
climate change (be it plus or minus)

We'll inhabit the internet, hopefully

We already do this part of the time

We "exist in" and "take up space" in cyberspace

Folks sing and dance
and groom one another in "Second Life"
And form relationships,

We fight plenty of wars where we kill our metaverse avatars

there's plenty of cyberspace like that to exist in.

There is infinite room and resources
The Metaverse.

Fuck the Matrix, we can create paradise.

We can exist in perpetual bliss, in the Metaverse.

While in "this" reality
we can just be big pulsing masses of organic flesh and brain
attached to a bunch of computers
attached to a spaceship that
soars at the speed of light
through the cosmos
suckling at the Universe's infinite supply of hydrogen for energy,

While folks in the Metaverse suckle for whatever their individual minds can desire.

But we can check our facebooks while we await the Totality.