Monday, February 21, 2011

My Apocalypse

It was
an apocalypse

There was an end
to something

then there was
a revealing, an
opening of
a new book

But there
was nostalgia
for the
way it was


and there were
saved passwords left
bits of clothing
remnants of a

It was
like peak oil,

we consumed
there was

and we
fell away into
a pre-industrial
where we came from
a long, long, long
time ago.

And it
is only fitting

That I
have nightmares of
World War III

our Ivory Computer Tower
in flames.

It is only fitting
that I
fill my head with
fission-fiction, with
nuclear viral holocausts
street gangs.

Because now, here,

in the aftermath, I feel
I have only been
this loss
this nostalgia.

I miss
the way
it was


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prophesy (Prophecy)

There will come a time when honest men of this earth will no longer be required to read minds. There will come a time when women abandon the culture of the victim and cease to giggle or whine when faced with the out-of-doors.

Soon the soil will open up and swallow the self-aggrandizing and the smug. Lying women and thieving men will fall with them. Soon spoiled children and their hypochondriac single-mothers will lie under the loam and the dead-beat dads responsible will thrash about in cages.

At this time all the women who ignored you will wish to see you and speak with you, but their eyes will be cut out and their lips sewn shut. At this time their selfishness will be punished by rising waters and random acts of criminal gunfire in the dirty cityscapes they have foolishly hidden in. Here you will see also the men that lay their boot heel to your head; lying paralyzed amidst the rubble of the prisons they built.

And there you will live easily and all those who look on will envy you for your serenity. They will weep and grind at your happiness. The heartless women and the tyrannical men will drown in shallow puddles of their own remorse, face-down and drunk. It is here that we rest.

Obese and stupid, they will stumble and roll to the dialysis clinic and pharmacy, only to do it again the next day. Sweating grease and breathing steam, the fat women and ugly men will soon cease to suckle McDonald's and will stop filling the air with Reagan capitalism and elitist denial.

It will be here that we rest.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Complete Uncertainty About One's Future or Purpose in Life

Out on
15th avenue
someone is crying and
someone is
calling the cops
it's cobblestone, wagon-travelled
paved with bottle tops
Out on
15th avenue
blue smoke drifts and
engines stall
with squeaky old brakes
it's a drunken alleyway
it's got the shakes
Out on 15th avenue
bottles smash in the orange
high-pressure sodium
street lights
noise of bb guns
and stereos or
cat fights
Out on 15th avenue
demons haunt
lonely people
and the treetops
are broken by the
baptist church steeple
and many a cool wet night
is spent wishing
they would just
turn the street lamps
or maybe
how much
one could

Everyday I blow
my brains out
like a celebrity.